Join the Team!

Hey what’s up?
Why? Because I want to invite you into a project I’m reinventing. It’s called “Performance Advice Daily”.
I’m starting this email list where I’m going to be giving free advice to musicians on how to get over stage fright and performance anxiety. I did some public speaking on this topic when I lived in Peru at the Conservatory, and it was very well received.
The advice is applicable to public speakers, dancers, athletes, and other performers, but I’ll mainly be speaking to musicians who are interested in turning professional or are pros already.
In the spirit of transparency, this is a new business that I’m starting, and the first item on the list is to create a Team. I went through my contact list and I chose to invite you to be a part of my team. I want to help the musicians of the world. I’m targeting the most ambitious, committed, and self analytic of the herd.
Join me, inside of Team Dillon, and CLICK THIS LINK NOW >>>
Every day, I’ll deliver you the highest quality content I can think of, in multiple formats (text, audio, video).
From time to time (this is a business), I’ll promote my products.
If you have no interest, that’s ok, all I ask is that you forward this email to 10 musicians or anyone you know who must perform on a regular basis in their life.
Again, join team Dillon and CLICK THIS LINK NOW >>>
…to receive daily information that will be more inspiring,passionate, and useful than anything in your inbox, because I commit to putting my ALL into it and not only teaching you performance skills, but improving your life.
Since you know me personally, you know how hard I work, and I commit to delivering you the goods.
Looking forward to seeing you on the inside, and remember, invite your friends too :).
See you soon!

First product coming this month.

What’s goin’ on champ?

Isn’t music awesome?

Isn’t making the music you love the most even more awesome?

I know, I know…

I just liberated myself from a life of playing trombone on cruise ships.

Don’t get me wrong… it was fun, for the first year, but then I started getting bored of playing the same pop standards and jazz standards every week.

The butterflies in my stomach that I usually get from performing something new and exciting were gone!

Seriously, how’d you like it if you got up on stage feeling bored?

That’s the exact opposite of stage fright.

I guess in a way, that’s a resourceful place to come from.

Speaking of which, I’m in the process of creating a program that will help you control the butterflies in your stomach before a performance.

I’ve backwards engineered my mental strategies as a professional musician who can create relaxing inside of myself in an instant, even if I do feel scared.

I’ve learned to make those butterflies, that anxiety, my best friend.

They will always be there, but you can actually learn how to NOT be a victim to them.

You’re going to learn how to feel them (because they’ll always be there, unless you’re bored), and make them your fucking bitch!

That’s right man, how’d you like to make any uncomfortable emotion your bitch?

You can become the Master of Your Emotions.

I’m going to show you how.

I’d also like your help.

Email me NOW at and tell me what your biggest fear or frustration when it comes to tackling those butterflies before a gig.

Write me no more than 5-7 sentences explaining to me what exactly is going on.

The first 10 people that email me will receive a special shout in the product itself when I launch it, and a special discount too.

CLICK THIS LINK >>>, and tell me what troubles you on stage and you’ll receive a reply from me within 48 hours.

Alright badass, keep practicing!

Dwight —> OUT

It’s time to Annihilate Anxiety

in 2013 I spent much of my time helping college and professional musicians with performance anxiety. I was giving talks all over Peru (where I was living at the time) and getting paid well for sharing my ideas. Then for a couple years I got distracted with different things and almost completely let go of my mission: Helping musicians stay relaxed and focused during a performance. Well after doing a complete circle from being broke to a cruise ship musician, now I’m back to what I do best. You’re going to see some big changes around here, and I’m fired up to begin all over again.

A special gift for helping me out

Yeah I’ve been a little MIA recently… for a good reason!


You see… this blog is a part of a much larger project. The project in mind, obviously, is to initially help teens, like yourself, performance at your best! How can I possibly help you out? Well first, I might get inside your world. Figure out what you like. What do you watch on TV? Who do you hang out with? What do you think is cool? And all that helps… to an extent.

But just like a chef works best with the best tools, I require more comprehensive tools to help serve you better. 

So I’m going back to school for my Master’s Degree. In what you may ask? Well this took some time to figure out. I thought I could find a program where I could study performance anxiety, but that doesn’t exist. I went further down the rabbit hole and decided to email some people who are doing what I want to do, and they all pointed me in the direction of “Sport/Performance Psychology”. So ok, cool. That’s clarity.

Therefore in December, I will send out my graduate school applications.

So what does this have to do with you? Well… everything! This sight is FOR YOU. And in order to keep it awesome, I need your help. Whatever value you have received from this blog, whether it’s nothing, or lots! I’d love you to leave comments explaining to me exactly what value you have gained from it. I will compile the best of what I’ve received and send it with my packet to every University I apply to. You will literally be a part of my application process. And of course… a shout out on my blog :). Plus! I will create a custom 15-20 minute hypnosis trance to help you in any part of your life for those who I choose. I will choose 3.

Leave your comments and good luck to the most insightful!


It never goes away… SORRY! So watcha gonna do about it?!

Expose yourself!

6 years ago, I made a commitment to myself.

There I was, looking at my self in the mirror in the tiny room of the cruise boat I was working on at the time, and I told myself, “From this moment on, anytime you are faced with a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable, you are going to face it!”

Basically I decided to get comfortable being uncomfortable, and grow some fucken’ balls. 

Read the above again.

After that my life became CRAZY… in  GOOD WAY!

I started reading books on being confident, and they all said the same thing: “You must put yourself in high stress situations regularly to build a tolerance to that feeling you call anxiety”. 

So I began making a list of shit that scared me:

-Go to a jam session where everyone is better than me

-approaching a beautiful woman surrounded by guys in a bar

-walk around a mall with my finger up my nose for 35min (yeah… I actually did that!)

-Dance in a restaurant to live music when no one else is dancing

-Dress in woman’s clothes and walk down the street in broad day light during a busy part of the day and HIT ON GUYS.

-Start arguments

-Do 5 minutes of stand up comedy

OK, you get the idea. I’m kind of extreme by nature… but I’ll tell you what. Doing the above made me pretty fucken’ fearless. 

You don’t have to go crazy like I did, but once you allow yourself to sit and swim in being uncomfortable… you’ll begin to change the way you experience anxiety. As the Virginia based Cognitive Therapist Larry Cohen says, “Looking at anxiety as our response to perceived danger, the purpose of the anxiety response become obvious: self-protection.”

What happens is that we grow up in such a safe bubble, that anything outside of it is perceived as “dangerous”, so our mind protects us. Well dude, if you’ve ever heard of the idea of “being adventurous”, pop the fucken bubble, and grow some motherfucken balls! (create a list of shit that scares you and do it). Because honestly man, the people who have the most balls (and you know who they are), have the most fun, and yeah, insult some people along the way, but you can’t make everyone happy except yourself.


How to know when to remind your monkey mind to just STFU!

If you’re one of those few teenagers who does lots of self reflection and meditation, you probably know how to control your thoughts better than most your age.
If not, totally cool.
So what happens when you start making up bullshit in your head that you don’t want about the future? You start getting anxious!
I do it too man, it’s cool.
As you find yourself doing that, it’s important to notice which inner critic is helping create these images and as you begin to accept them NOW, you can notice that old feeling of anxiety melt away, can’t you?

In the article below, some of our most dominant critics are explained: